It's Pisces season! Save 10% on all Pisces inspired ZodiGear with code PISCES2025 until 3/20!

Shipping Policy

We work with suppliers around the world to source high-quality products. Our Suppliers typically ship items within 1-5 days of receiving an order. Please allow 5-7 business days from day order placed to receive a tracking number. Depending on your location, shipping time is quoted by mail carrier as 3-12 business days.

As soon as your product ships, you'll receive a tracking number that will keep you informed of where your order is at all times.

Expected delays:

Due to increasing demand and COVID-19 related closures, we can experience delays in overall production. Information provided on Order Details section of your order is accurate and updated regularly yet we are unable to provide further estimates. Use the ‘Request Support’ form on Order details for all order related questions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.